Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dragon Age: Mission Accomplished

Got about 120 hours out of this one, well worth the "collectors edition" cost ( i think it was like 70 bucks). This is one of my only Rogue class characters, and I have to say - she was really fun to play! While not able to take too much damage in direct combat, the high Dex and use of several specialty assassin and duelist talents had her barely getting hit by end-game.

I also made heavy use of poisons, with good armor penetration it's a death sentence for the enemy. It's worth noting that poisons do stack in the game, opening up potential for absolutely insane amounts of damage - tho I was often too frugal for burning multiple poisons for a single fight. Grenades are extremely powerful as well and are essentially a fireball/acid/frost spell effect for the Rogue (or anyone who has improved poisons for that matter). Good fight opener, have the rogue instigate the foe w/ a nice grenade from stealth. Very nice also for clearing the end-game waves of annoying and easily-felled enemies. Toss a grenade at 'em and watch the bodies hit the floor!

I was never wanting for Stamina, as most fights didnt last all that long, so I didnt bother w/ "Feast of the Fallen", the last entry in the assassin line. My cunning was high enough that I didnt need to spend a point in the last level of lockpicking, I was able to open everything in the game. I didnt feel the need to do the last level of Dual Wield either, since it was basically just allowing the use of two full-size weapons. I went the entire game using daggers. As you can see, I focused more on the specialty lines w/ crits and evasion tactics instead of flashy dual-wield talents. In the end, I had some extra points and dropped a couple here and there, but I can count on one paw how many times I used them... Stealth was huge, primarily the ability to stealth in combat and pre-combat scouting and setup.

My faithful Mabari war hound. By end game, w/ full talent lines tricked out he was my dedicated caster-killer. Powerful attack, a little bit of crowd-control stun w/ "Dread Howl", and a cool knockdown-n-chew attack "Overpower" kept him in my lineup from the moment I aquired him til the end.

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